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Asia |
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For a better overview, only whole countries are listed for the quotation of spreading, even if a species can only be found in a small part of that country.
All data for the spreading is taken from Reinhard Ehrmann's book "Mantodea - Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt" (Mantodea - Praying mantids of the world).
More about this book can be found in the section literature at this page.
At the menu "Spreading" for each country only the genus but the species is printed (Exception: on this site described species).
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India | Habitat
| | |
| | Acromantis | bushes, near the ground, leavage covered ground, foliage |
| | Aethalochroa | |
| | Amantis | near the ground, shrubbes, rare grounds, dry meadows, sun exposed, sunny areas, meadows, grasses |
| | Amorphoscelis | |
| | Anaxarcha | |
| | Arria | |
| | Astape | |
| | Beesonula | |
| | Blepharopsis | bushes, warm and dry areas, sunny areas, sun exposed |
| | Blepharopsis mendica mendica | bushes, sun exposed, warm and dry areas |
| | Bolivaria | |
| | Caliris | |
| | Cheddikulama | |
| | Cheddikulama straminea | |
| | Choeradodis | tropical Rainforest, damp areas, near waters |
| | Creobroter | bushes, tropical Rainforest, parks, foliage, flowers, populated areas |
| | Creobroter elongata | populated areas, bushes, tropical Rainforest, parks, foliage, flowers |
| | Creobroter gemmatus | populated areas, bushes, tropical Rainforest, parks, foliage, flowers |
| | Creobroter pictipennis | populated areas, bushes, tropical Rainforest, parks, foliage, flowers |
| | Deiphobe | |
| | Deiphobella | |
| | Didymocorypha | twigs, bushes |
| | Didymocorypha lanceolata | |
| | Dysaules | |
| | Elmantis | |
| | Empusa | near the ground, bushes, grasland, sun exposed, dry meadows, warm and dry areas, grasses, velds |
| | Empusa fasciata | near the ground, bushes, grasland, sun exposed, dry meadows, sunny areas, warm and dry areas, grasses |
| | Eomantis | |
| | Ephestiasula | |
| | Ephestiasula pictipes | |
| | Euantissa | |
| | Euthyphleps | |
| | Gimantis | |
| | Gongylus | bushes, sun exposed, warm and dry areas |
| | Gongylus gongylodes | bushes, sun exposed, warm and dry areas |
| | Gonypeta | near the ground, tropical Rainforest, bushes |
| | Gonypetyllis | |
| | Haania | tropical Rainforest |
| | Hapalopeza | tropical Rainforest, foliage, bushes, damp areas |
| | Heliomantis | |
| | Hestiasula | bushes |
| | Heterochaetula | |
| | Hierodula | bushes, foliage, trees, tropical Rainforest |
| | Hierodula membranacea | twigs, bushes, foliage, tropical Rainforest, trees |
| | Humbertiella | open areas, bole |
| | Hymenopus | orchids, bushes, flowers, tropical Rainforest |
| | Hymenopus coronatus | flowers, tropical Rainforest, orchids, bushes |
| | Indothespis | |
| | Iris | warm and dry areas, bushes |
| | Leptomantella | |
| | Loxomantis | |
| | Mantis | |
| | Memantis | |
| | Mesopteryx | |
| | Metallyticus | bole, tropical Rainforest |
| | Nanomantis | |
| | Nemotha | |
| | Odontomantis | bushes, foliage, foliage |
| | Odontomantis micans | bushes, foliage |
| | Ormomantis | |
| | Oxymantis | |
| | Oxyophthalma | |
| | Parablepharis | |
| | Parananomantis | |
| | Pararivetina | |
| | Parathespis | |
| | Phyllothelys | |
| | Plistospilota | bushes, foliage, trees |
| | Pseudothespis | |
| | Rhodomantis | |
| | Rhombodera | twigs, bushes, foliage, tropical Rainforest, trees, bole, damp areas |
| | Rhombodera basalis | twigs, bushes, foliage, trees, bole, tropical Rainforest |
| | Rivetinula | |
| | Schizocephala bicornis | |
| | Statilia | bushes |
| | Tenodera | grasland, open areas, grasses, bushes, sun exposed, dry meadows, sunny areas |
| | Theopompa | bole, bark, tropical Rainforest, damp areas |
| | Thespis | |
| | Toxodanuria | |
| | Toxoderopsis | |
| | Toxomantis | |
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